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September is PCOS Awareness Month

September is PCOS Awareness Month


Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a serious genetic, hormone and reproductive disorder that effects women.


Did you know that PCOS effects 12- 21% of women in Australia today with 50% of women undiagnosed, I have been one of those women suffering with PCOS most of my life. Irregular periods, acne, ovarian cysts, insulin resistance, anxiety, depression, infertility, weight gain, excess hair and male pattern hair loss are just some of the challengers women with PCOS have to face. My own PCOS is what drove me to start Sonsee, all my life my weight has fluctuated which became increasingly difficult to find products that fit me especially high quality foundation garments for my wardrobe that would fit me as my weight fluctuated just like so many other PCOS sufferers I became increasingly frustrated and disappointed.




After many years of being in the fashion industry I realised not much was changing so Sonsee was born, I wanted women to have a choice and to have products that truly make us feel good. This September remember the things in life we have to celebrate, out of my condition I found joy and passion in creating Sonsee which I may not have found without the drive to find solutions for myself.


Vanessa xx